The Top Most Spectacular Landmarks of Africa That Deserve A Visit.

The Top Most Spectacular Landmarks of Africa That Deserve A Visit.


Africa is the second-largest continent in the world, and it’s home to some of the most spectacular landmarks in the world. From tall mountains and vast deserts to deep canyons and raging rivers, Africa has it all. In this article we’ll explore some of these amazing landmarks on our list of top 10 most spectacular landmarks in Africa that everyone should visit at least once in their lifetime.

The Top Most Spectacular Landmarks of Africa That Deserve A Visit.

The Great Pyramid of Giza

The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the oldest and most famous monuments in Egypt. It was built for Pharaoh Khufu, who reigned from 2589 to 2566 BC. The pyramid’s original dimensions were 280 cubits tall (about 450 feet), with each side measuring 230 cubits long (about 370 feet). The four sides are aligned almost exactly with true north, south, east and west; this was not coincidence but rather an intentional design feature so that the sun would shine directly through its entrance every spring equinox when it rose over Abydos Temple some 13 miles away along a straight line running due north from Giza Plateau.

The Great Pyramid has been estimated as having required 2 million blocks weighing 2 1/2 tons each – meaning it would take at least 2 million men doing nothing but carrying blocks day after day for 20 years just to build ONE PYRAMID!

The Sun Gate of Tikal

The Sun Gate is one of the most famous of Tikal’s temples, and it’s located at the edge of the city. It was built in the 8th century as a dedication to the sun god, making it an ideal place to watch sunrise over Lake Peten Itza.

The ruins themselves are beautiful–they’re surrounded by lush greenery and feature stonework that blends into its natural surroundings. If you want to get away from crowds while still seeing some incredible sights, this may be your best bet!

Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls is a waterfall in southern Africa on the Zambezi River between Zambia and Zimbabwe. It is the largest waterfall in the world by width and volume of water falling, and the largest curtain waterfall in the world.

The falls are located within Victoria Falls National Park, which has been designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO since 1989.[1]

Mount Kilimanjaro

The Mount Kilimanjaro is located in Tanzania. It is the highest peak in Africa, standing at 5,895 meters (19,341 feet) above sea level and only 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) from the equator.

The mountain takes about 6 days to climb, depending on how fast you can walk and if you are climbing with a guide or not. You can get there by plane or bus from Dar es Salaam or Nairobi which will take you around 8 hours each way by car/truck/bus or 15 hours by train as well as train stops along the way so it’s best to take an overnight sleeper train instead because it will save time since there isn’t much traffic during night hours so this means less waiting for things like food & water stops along with bathroom breaks too!

Sossusvlei Dunes.

Sossusvlei is a sand dune located in the Namib Desert, a large expanse of dry, coastal land that makes up much of southwestern Africa. The area is home to some of the highest sand dunes in the world, including one named Dune 7 with an estimated height of more than 300 meters (1,000 feet).

Dunes like these were formed over millions of years as winds blew fine particles across an ancient lake bed where they accumulated into mounds that now stand as tall as skyscrapers. These magnificent formations are now surrounded by protective fences so that visitors can safely explore them without damaging them or disturbing local wildlife–such as desert elephants and black rhinos–that live nearby.

The Blue Nile Falls.

The Blue Nile Falls are located in the town of Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. They are the largest falls in Africa and the second largest in the world. The falls are about 100 meters wide and drop about 100 meters.

The best time to visit this site is during rainy season from June to December because there is more water flowing over them then than any other time of year. During this period there are several activities that you can do such as go fishing or swimming near them or even climb up some rocks behind them where you will find great views of both sides of these spectacular natural wonders!

The Northern Lights.

The Northern Lights are a natural phenomenon that occur in the sky at night. They are formed when charged particles from the sun interact with the earth’s atmosphere, causing them to glow brightly. The lights can be seen anywhere on earth where there is clear view of the northern horizon and a dark sky.

The best places to see them include:

  • Iceland – The Northern Lights are so popular here that they even have their own festival dedicated to them! If you want an authentic experience, then this is your best bet.
  • Norway – This country offers prime conditions for viewing these magnificent lights due to its location near the Arctic Circle (where darkness reigns), high altitude and low light pollution levels throughout most parts of its territory (thanks largely due to recent efforts by locals).

Africa is home to some of the most spectacular landmarks in the world.

Africa is home to some of the most spectacular landmarks in the world. From the world’s largest man-made structure, to one of its tallest mountains, here are some of Africa’s most famous landmarks:

  • The Great Pyramid of Giza (Egypt) – This pyramid was built as a tomb for Pharaoh Khufu and it stands around 146 metres tall with each side measuring 230 metres long. Its construction took over 20 years to complete by thousands of workers who were forced into slavery under harsh conditions. It remains today as one of Egypt’s most visited sites with over 4 million people visiting annually!
  • Victoria Falls (Zambia/Zimbabwe) – This waterfall spans 3 kilometres wide at its widest point and drops 365 metres down onto rocks below making it not only one but actually two falls separated by an island in between them called “elephant rock” where many people flock for photo opportunities! * Mount Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) – At 5893 meters above sea level this mountain rises from within Tanzania’s borders towards Kenya which makes up part of its border line too! It also happens to hold several records including being both Africa’s highest peak as well as being tallest freestanding mountain on earth!


Africa is a continent with a lot to offer. It has some of the most spectacular landmarks in the world, and they’re all worth visiting at least once in your life. From the Great Pyramid of Giza to Victoria Falls, there’s something for everyone here!